Reiki Fairy Services

What we offer

Virtual and In-Person

  • Virtual and In-Person Services in Sierra Vista, AZ

    All services will provide you a link after ordering for a virtual session. Please put a note in the intake form if you will be coming in-person at our studio in Sierra Vista, AZ.

  • Intuitive Reading

    Intuitive Readings are different for everyone. Depending on the person conducting the reading, the focus can be on anything from releasing blocked energy and past trauma, tapping into past, working through a current hardship, or helping a client to activate their highest potential and life work. As the name implies, the sessions are usually led intuitively, and any professional reader will tell you each of their sessions are unique and highly individual. Register Today

  • Guided Meditation Class Donation Only

    Embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal at Reiki Fairy Meditation Studio. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of guided meditation where every session becomes a transformative experience. Step into our sanctuary, where the gentle touch of Reiki merges with the ethereal whispers of fairy magic, guiding you towards inner harmony and profound healing. Let our experienced instructors lead you through a mystical realm of tranquility and empowerment, where you'll unlock the secrets of your soul and awaken your true potential. Embrace the magic within and join us at Reiki Fairy Meditation Studio for a soulful adventure unlike any other.Register Here

  • Throat Chakra Healing

    Throat Chakra Healing: Find your authentic voice and unlock the power of self-expression through our Throat Chakra Healing session. Addressing issues related to communication and self-confidence, this service gently clears energetic obstacles, fostering open communication and empowering you to speak your truth confidently. Embrace the liberation and self-assurance that comes with a harmoniously balanced Throat Chakra.Register Today

  • Energy Healing with Cord Cutting

    Energy Healing with Cord Cutting: Liberate yourself from draining and stagnant connections with our powerful Energy Healing and Cord Cutting session. By gently severing negative energetic ties, this service empowers you to reclaim your energy and establish healthier boundaries. Embrace newfound freedom and vitality as you release attachments that no longer serve your highest good, paving the way for a brighter and more vibrant future. Register Today

  • Chakra Alignment

    Chakra Alignment: Experience profound harmony and balance as we expertly realign your body's energy centers. Our Chakra Alignment service aims to dissolve blockages and optimize the flow of vital energy, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Embrace a renewed sense of vitality and inner peace with this transformative and holistic healing. Register Today

  • Reiki: Self-Love and Weight Loss

    Indulge in the transformative journey of Reiki for Self-Love and Weight Loss, a unique and empowering service designed to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Our Reiki practitioner skillfully guides the flow of healing energy, fostering self-acceptance and love while addressing emotional imbalances that may contribute to weight challenges. Embrace a renewed sense of self-worth, and witness the empowering shift towards healthy choices and lifestyle, as Reiki supports you in achieving your weight loss goals with love, compassion, and inner harmony. Discover the path to a healthier, balanced, and more loving relationship with yourself through the healing embrace of Reiki. Register Today

  • Inner Child Healing

    .Inner Child Healing: Delve into the depths of self-discovery and emotional healing with our Inner Child Healing service. Tenderly nurturing your inner child, we aim to release past traumas and emotional wounds, allowing for profound personal growth and transformation. Rediscover a sense of wholeness and emotional freedom as you connect with your innermost essence and heal from within. Register Today

  • Reiki: Autoimmune Symptom Reduction

    Experience the gentle yet powerful healing of Reiki for Autoimmune conditions, a specialized service tailored to support and alleviate the challenges of autoimmune disorders. Our Reiki practitioner, with a deep understanding of the body's energetic imbalances, channels universal life force energy to promote relaxation, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system, fostering a sense of balance and well-being. Embrace a personalized and holistic approach to healing, as Reiki works in harmony with conventional treatments to enhance your body's innate healing abilities, paving the way for renewed vitality and inner harmony. Register Today

“Alignment trumps everything. Stay connected to Source Energy, and all that you desire will flow effortlessly into your experience.”

— Abraham Hicks